Hi there,
When designing a new customised leadership or talent program we utilize a simple method of ensuring relevans and impact. Among other design elements we use these four N.I.C.E. principles. Maybe they will inspire you to make some changes?
1 Network The first principle is N for NETWORK. The power of strengthening the network within an organisation and among its leaders and talents is priceless. Mobilize the whole leadership agenda through running training for mixed groups from across the same company. Train them together, utilize learning groups and involve their alumni - before, during and after the program. Without the N we will only be developing individuals, not the group's full talent.
2 Integration
The second principle is I for INTEGRATION. This ensures that the development journey which leaders and talents go through is closely linked to the rest of the organisation. We are highly dependent on this to get the full benefit out of precious resources which the company will be investing. Integration is often achieved through involving the participant's manager from before kick off, through goal setting, briefings, reviews etc. all the way through to final evaluation and reunion. Periods of on-the-job practice are essential here too as are general adaptations to team settings and the real work environment.
3 Coaching
Next-level learning is also generated through structured communication with others. We typically do this by adding powerful conversations such as individual coaching and mentoring to the program - linking theory, practical experience and shared reflection. These conversations accelerate the development of key skills which are essential for the specific individual to be succesful. They bring tools out of the classroom and challenges out of work. This third principle is C for COACHING, communication and conversations.
4 Education
Finally, the fourth principle is E for EDUCATION. Our leadership and talent programs are built up around training modules where physical or online training is facilitated with weeks in between. Fresh knowledge and useful models are shared with the intention of inspiring new behaviours - practical and effective leadership actions. We customise these modules with prioritized topics and skills aligned to the context which the organization is moving towards.
Did we get you thinking with the four N.I.CE. principles? Good - what will you change? Let's do some co-designing!