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From leader training to leader experience (LX)

Hi there,

There is plenty of attention on exployee experience (EX) in our new work context - rightly so. However, when looking at leadership development, there still seems to be the old, transactional approach to leadership training - events, fun, efficient e-learning, stand alone courses, measures of remembered learning etc. But what is needed is true anchoring of leadership development which results in impactful performance and confident, trusting and happy leaders at work - one of the key, belonging elements of leadership experience (LX).

Sprints to anchor new behaviour in practice

Our methods include a SPRINT focus, which we hope will inspire your program design - whether that be leadership training, team development or coaching. Sprints typically last 6-12 weeks and include the following 5 steps for you as a leader in between training modules or coaching sessions:

1 Get inspired Through face-to-face or virtual classroom sessions, coaching, e-learning, assessment results and other sources of learning and feedback, you obtain new knowledge and insights. It goes without saying that true sessions - including the opportunity to practice, receive expert feedback, reflect with peers and plan future actions - help anchor (and not only remember) learning.

2 Set goals

Starting with a leadership vision and framework for the leader you want to be - and an understanding of employee needs - you design new behaviour and a set of individual goals to be tried out in the coming sprint period. You need to think very carefully about any essential adaptations to team settings and the real work environment before you start sprinting with your new behaviour.

3 Test and train

You do it. You experiment and test the new behaviour in your work environment - trying it out in many situations with your teams and employees, manager, peers and other relevant stakeholders. We encourage you to share your goals and experiences with the people around you to infuse energy in your sprint and maintain focus on the training required to improve and make it a habit.

4 Reflect and adjust

You receive and analyse the many various forms of feedback during the testing. And you reflect on your own experiences when applying the new behaviour in practice. Discuss the feedback with others and adjust behaviour accordingly. Thus, you continue to refine your practice through continuous experimentation in everyday work and with focus on the context which the organization is moving towards.

5 Spring forward

We meet again for more training, inspiration, learning points and new perspectives. The sprint is wrapped up with insight collection - debriefing, identification of successful behaviours and continued commitment to the personal plan and goals. Now it is time to spring forward to the next sprint where new habits are established and new opportunities put into practice.

Interested? If so, what will you change to move your organisation's leadership development from transactional learning events to true, long term leadership experience (LX)?



Leadership & Talent



T: +45 51721252



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